Artist Residency Programme
The first residencies took place in Winchester between January and July 2015. The Observatory is currently located in Lymington where it will remain until 28th April 2016
Applcations for residencies are now closed
Locations (UPDATED):
Mottisfont Abbey, Romsey, Hampshire - May 2016 - Nov 2016
Bucklers Hard, Beaulieu, New Forest - Nov 2016 - April 2017
The Observatory is by its very nature, theatrical, eye-catching, unusual and unique - it aims to intrigue people to investigate, explore and strike up a dialogue with the artists. It is informal and allows for discovery and chance - a place that one can ‘stumble upon’.
The Observatory will enable artists to interact with the landscape and develop a body of work connected to each place and context. Artists will be drawn from a broad range of disciplines and will need to be prepared to share their practice with the public.
Artists for Years 1 and 2 of The Observatory

Artist Schedule
Mottisfont, National Trust, Nr Romsey.
2nd of May to 28th of June 2016
9th of July to 14th of August 2016
22nd of August to 14th of October 2016
Buckler’s Hard, New Forest National Park.
31st of October to 30th of December 2016
2nd of January to 24th of February 2017
12th of March to 28th of April 2017
'observation 1 & 2' string quartets represent the culmination and fruits of my research period as Composer-in-Residence to The Observatory in 2015. These pieces are in effect my take on the two residency locations, Winchester Science Center within the South Downs National Park and the Salt Marshes at Lymington, in sound. They were created through a period of investigation that included walking, sensing, looking, drawing and painting the environments I visited that were then followed by a further period of reflection and gestation resulting in a transduction of those experiences from the physical, gestural, mark-making and environmental into a personal site-specific response that is embodied in the music of these two quartets. 'observation 1 & 2' are the first site-specifically inspired compositions I have attempted and as such are experimental and explorative. The experience of working through The Observatory has enhanced my practice as a composer and visual artist and I will be reaping the benefits of this learning for some years to come.
Marc Yeats | Composer-in-Residence to The Observatory 2015